Revi HQ
< Discord
- Return to Discord
Based on discordia.me/en/limits and discord dev docs. Current as of August 2021. (Some updated April 2022)
Discord limits
- Max guild (server) limit: 100
- Nitro ($9): 200
- Member limit in guild: 250,000 (by default) but can be increased by Discord Inc.
- When you reach 25,000 concurrent online members, guild moderators must contact Discord Inc. to move it to dedicated hardware.
- Guild can have maximum 500 channels. [1]
- When the limit is reached, no new channels can be created in the server.
- Category can have maximum 50 channels. [2]
- When the limit is reached, no new channels can be created in the category.
- Guild can have maximum 250 roles, including the managed ones.
- When the guild have 1000 members, offline members will not appear in the member list in the UI.
- Channel can have maximum 10 webhooks.
- Guild can have up to 1000 invites.
- A thread can have up to 1000 participants.
- Guild can have up to 100 scheduled (future) events.
- There are unspecified limit for non-member ban.
- Default (no boost): 50 regular, 50 animated.
- Lv.1 (2 boost): 100 regular, 100 animated.
- Lv.2 (7 boost): 150 regular, 150 animated.
- Lv.3 (14 boost): 250 regular, 250 animated.
- Default (no boost): 0 sticker.
- Lv.1: 15 stickers.
- Lv.2: 30 stickers.
- Lv.3: 60 stickers.
- Characters per message: 2000 chars[3]
- Nitro ($9): 4000 chars.
- TTS message limit: 200 chars.
- Pinned message limit: 50 messages.
- Reactions per message: 20 reactions.
- A message can have up to 10 attachments.
- Maximum attachment size:
- Default: 8MB.
- Nitro Classic ($4) member, or in a guild where Boost Lv.2: 50MB.
- Nitro ($9) member, or in a guild where Boost Lv.3: 100MB.
- Minimum time for idling: 10 minutes.
- Max friends/blocked users: 1000 users.
- Max Username/Nickname: 32 chars.
- Channel topic size: 1024 chars.